The Art Of Taking Feedbacks: How To Turn Criticism Into Growth.

Feedback is an essential component of personal and professional development. While receiving feedback can sometimes be uncomfortable, it offers invaluable insights into how we can improve and grow. Here are some strategies to help you take feedback effectively and turn it into an opportunity for growth.

1. Embrace a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset is crucial when receiving feedback. Understand that feedback, whether positive or negative, is a tool for learning and development. Instead of viewing criticism as a personal attack, see it as a chance to enhance your skills and performance.

2. Listen Actively

When someone is giving you feedback, listen attentively without interrupting. Pay attention not only to the words being said but also to the emotions and intentions behind them. Active listening shows respect for the feedback giver and helps you fully understand the points being made.

 3. Stay Open and Receptive

Maintain an open and receptive attitude. Avoid becoming defensive or making excuses. Instead, acknowledge the feedback and express gratitude for the insights provided. This openness will encourage more constructive feedback in the future and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

 4. Ask Clarifying Questions

If any part of the feedback is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Questions like “Can you provide an example?” or “Could you elaborate on that point?” can help you gain a deeper understanding of the feedback and how to apply it.

 5. Reflect and Assess

Take some time to reflect on the feedback you received. Consider how it aligns with your goals and values. Assess which aspects of the feedback are most relevant and actionable. This reflection will help you develop a plan for implementing the suggestions.

 6. Develop an Action Plan

Create a concrete action plan based on the feedback. Identify specific steps you can take to address the areas for improvement. Set realistic goals and timelines to track your progress. An action plan transforms feedback from abstract advice into tangible steps for growth.

7. Follow Up

After implementing changes based on feedback, follow up with the feedback giver. Share the actions you’ve taken and the progress you’ve made. This not only demonstrates your commitment to improvement but also opens the door for further constructive feedback.

 8. Cultivate a Feedback-Rich Environment

Encourage a culture of feedback within your team or organization. Regularly seek feedback from peers, supervisors, and subordinates. The more accustomed everyone is to giving and receiving feedback, the more effective and less daunting it becomes.


Taking feedback is an art that requires practice and patience. By embracing a growth mindset, listening actively, staying open, and developing an action plan, you can turn feedback into a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth. Remember, the goal of feedback is not to highlight your flaws but to help you become the best version of yourself.

Written by: Goodness Yambalé Daniel

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