
The Art Of Taking Feedbacks: How To Turn Criticism Into Growth.

Feedback is an essential component of personal and professional development. While receiving feedback can sometimes be uncomfortable, it offers invaluable insights into how we can improve and grow. Here are some strategies to help you take feedback effectively and turn it into an opportunity for growth. 1. Embrace a Growth Mindset Adopting a growth mindset is crucial when receiving feedback….

Level up your skills; Developing The Growth Mindset .

People often get Comfortable with being stereotyped to a system or a particular way of living or doing things. In a world where things evolve it is important to cultivate a growth mindset that can empower you not just to survive but flourish in the ever evolving world. How Can a Growth Mindset be Cultivated? • Seeing Every Challenge as…

A Guide to Product Marketing.

Product Marketing stands at the intersection of Marketing, sales, product, and customer success. While it is often interchanged with digital marketing, they are different fields. Product marketing is the process of launching a product to the market, promoting it to your target audience, and selling it to your end users who end up becoming customers. As a product marketer, your…

How Python is revolutionising programming education

Introduction Python, which is a high-level programming language that has gained popularity all over the world, particularly in the education sector, is simple and clear syntax, easy to learn and robust support community make it an ideal option for coding beginners.  Why Python in education?  People often describe Python as a language that “fits the machine to the man, not…


“I am an African. I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the river, the deserts, The trees, the flowers, the seas, and the ever changing seasons that define the face of our native land”.  – Thabo Mbeki Africa is not just a continent; Africa is the Ubuntu Spirit that resides Amongst its…

Are You Giving Yourself Enough Grace?

We live in a world that often thrives on achievement. From overflowing to-do lists to the highlight reel of social media, it’s easy to feel constantly behind or inadequate. But what if the key to success and happiness lies not in pushing ourselves harder, but in offering ourselves some much-needed grace? Constantly berating ourselves for mistakes or dwelling on what…

World Art Day 2024: How technology is changing how art is made and enjoyed.

In the ever-changing environment of technology, the influence on creative expression and creativity has been significant and diverse. The use of digital tools and technological breakthroughs have not only given artists new media to work with, but have also altered the way art is made, circulated, and viewed. This article dives into the numerous aspects of this influence, examining how…